
Hi! I'm Patrick Mc Gonagle. I recently graduated from Letterkenny Institute of Technology (LYIT) with a 2.1 in BSc (Hons) in Computing.

Engineer with practical experience in development and testing. Passion for coding and always looking out for new experiences and challenges.


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Sheep Tag Reader

A device that reads sheep tags was developed on an Arduino Uno using C++. It can scan RFID sheep tags and sends them to an app via Bluetooth.

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Sheep Tag Application

An app was created using Java in Android Studio. It connects to the reader via Bluetooth and receive tags scanned by the reader and stores them in a database.

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Automation Test

An automated test for this website created using Java, Selenium, Maven, JUnit and Jenkins. It tests the status of this site and checks if components exist etc.


Email: patrickmcg2@gmail.com

LinkedIn: patrickmcg2

Github: paddymcg